

Quick Close. All or Part. Lets explore your options!


Why Should I Sell My Land?

There are many reasons people decide to sell their property. It’s not being used, you are tired of paying the taxes, there is a liability and risk of someone getting hurt on the property, or you simply want the cash for other reasons – home improvements, to pay off debt, to fund college educations, for retirement, a new car, to fund living expenses, or to buy a camper and see the country! No matter your reason, we would like to help you achieve your goals!

Sell all or part

We are interested in buying your entire property, or only part of it. If you have vacant property, or a property with a home, barn, or other outbuilding that you wish to sell only part of, we can discuss the options. Perhaps you have unused property beside or behind your home that you’d be interested in selling but are not sure how to go about it. We can discuss your desires and ideas and work together to come up with a plan that works to meet your goals. We will handle the surveyors, lawyers, and all the details. Every situation is different so let’s discuss yours!

“Challenged” Property? Challenge Accepted!

We can work through any issues you may have with your property. Multiple or out of state owners, drainage issues, encroachments, back taxes, poor condition, poor or no access? You name it – whatever it is we will work through it together! Not everyone is interested in the “challenged” projects, but we are!

Why Sell to Us?

First and foremost, we are locals!

We live and work in Jackson County, GA. Don’t deal with an emotionally detached buyer in another state that knows nothing about our town, culture, friends, and family!

We make it about relationship.

We will talk to you on the phone or meet in person to discuss your property. We will talk about who we know in common and we hope we become friends, even if we don’t do business together. What’s more, we love to give advice ‘“ even if we are not buying your property. If our goals don’t align and we see a better way for you to move forward, we’ll tell you and give you tips on how to accomplish your goals.

We are the decision makers.

We know what we need to do to make a determination about a piece of property and how to come up with a value. We don’t need to fumble around talking to a bunch of people, wait for answers, etc. We look at tons of data available to us online including street and satellite views, topography, roads, utilities, and more. In addition, we will actually physically go look at the property. Once we have seen everything we need to see, we can make an offer quickly.

We use our own money.

Most people that buy land do so by trying to flip your property to an actual buyer. Or, they try to use bank financing to buy your property. Hog wash! We use our own cash to buy property. We answer to no one and we wait on no one!

Our closings are quick.

We get contracts together within a day or two, and closings can be scheduled within a week or two based on your schedule. If you want to attend the closing in person that’s great! If not, we can have paperwork sent to you to sign! Your cash is wired to you by the closing attorney the same day we close. Easy peasy.

Stress Free Transactions.

Have you delayed selling your property because you want to avoid the stress? We are here to help you every step of the way and make sure you are well informed and not stressed! We all have a fear of the unknown but we will explain everything simply and then you’ll know what to expect! If you are stressed, we are not doing something right!

No Subdivisions!.

Afraid of selling your land and having a tiny lot subdivision shoehorned in? No worries! Believe it or not, we do not develop large subdivisions!

enable land ownership!

We create large 3-10 acre parcels for families who want to move OUT of subdivisions and onto their own land. We help these families with all the aspects of building and moving to their own property – driveways, homesites, utilities, financing, connections to contractors, builders, and we offer plenty of guidance and advice. When you sell us your property not only are you PREVENTING dense subdivisions and preserving the beauty of our county, you’re helping a family achieve their dreams of living on land!

our process

1 We will have an initial conversation to understand your goals and learn a little about the property.
2 We will evaluate the property using online tools.
3 We will visit / walk the property to get an understanding of its characteristics.
4 We will make you an offer.
5 We will gather information and prepare a purchase agreement.
6 The real estate closing attorney will prepare all the documents and schedule a close date.
7 You can meet us at the attorney’s office or sign remotely if you live out of town.
8 You get your cash!

Client Feedback

I had no idea how to sell my property. Craig came through!

When I decided to sell property I inherited I had no idea where to start. I talked to an agent but was turned off pretty quickly by how cookie cutter their process was for listing land. When I talked to Craig he blew me away with his knowledge. I felt like it was the right move to sell to him and it worked out better than I even hoped it would!

I’ve bought cars that took longer than this!

I really thought selling my property was going to be a long drawn out and complicated endeavor but that wasn’t the case at all. Craig had such a good process and things went so smoothly that I thought it was a mistake when I was told my closing date and time. I’ve bought cars that took longer than this!

They are authentic people truly helping other.

Working with Millwood has been such a pleasure! They are genuine and authentic people truly helping others. The process was smooth, easy, and stress free. AND I had cash in the bank quickly! It all happened so fast!

craig haynie

Craig is a longtime Jackson County resident on a mission to help families escape the tyranny of their neighborhood HOA and achieve their dreams of living on their own land. He loves discovering unused parcels of property and giving them new life and purpose that will have an impact for generations to come by expressing his creative talent to create peaceful and private large estate sized homesites. It’s not just about the buyer, but also the seller as they have their own wishes and desires that affect the method and process of buying and splitting the properties. He loves to positively impact the lives of all parties by helping them achieve the best possible outcome.

  • 706-389-9484
  • craig@millwoodholdings.com